August 30, 2017

12. Better Remote Control with FPV

Making Things Complicated

In one of the previous posts, we explained the initial version of the remote control system, implemented for our robot. It was based on a simple protocol and used RoboRemo application as a remote control user interface.

The simplicity of the solution posed some limits on the functions. At some point, we decided to make a step forward and implement a more complicated remote control version.

Mainly - we were looking for:
  • FPV (First Person View) - the possibility to see the real-time video from the camera installed at the robot
  • Usage of joystick or steering wheel to control the robot
  • Having a big dashboard with many small controls which can operate numerous features of the robot and indicate on the screen the real status which is based on telemetry
  • Possibility to see all the traffic between the robot and the remote control application, having the possibility to type commands manually
We could not find anything ready to use, so we decided to build own application from scratch.

August 1, 2017

11. Infrared Distance Sensors

How it works

Facing the insufficiency of the ultrasonic distance sensors for the autonomous navigation, we arrived at the next stop - infrared distance sensors.

The plan was to build kind of sensors array formed by the numerous distance sensors facing in different directions and saving the robot at least from hitting the obstacles in front and falling down from the height. These sensors must be inexpensive both in terms of money and energy consumption.

Soon we found an interesting option, surprisingly named "Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor for Arduino Robot" - it is precisely what we need!

Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor